Keyboard Jobs

Jobs for software developers, geeks and cyborgs

Markdown Specification

Last updated 14th September 2022


What is Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text.

It uses a human readable syntax to format text which can be easily converted into rich HTML.

In this crash course we'll only cover the absolute basics which one might need to create a beautiful job ad on Keyboard Jobs.


Use the hash sign (#) to start a heading. One hash (#) is the main heading. Two hash signs represent a heading of second order, three hash signs represent a heading of third order and so forth. You can use anything from one to six hash signs to compound a heading.


# Heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

## Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

### Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Paragraphs are automatically created when a sentence ends with two line breaks.


This is the first paragraph.
It continues here because there was only one line break after the first sentence.

This is the beginning of the second paragraph.


This is the first paragraph. It continues here because there was only one line break after the first sentence.

This is the beginning of the second paragraph.

Bold, Italic and Strikethrough

Surround text with a star (*) to make it cursive (italic).

Apply a double star (**) around text and it will become bold.

If you want to strike through text then wrap it with double tildes(~~).


Roses are *red*.

Violets are **blue**.

Cashews are ~~fruit~~ nuts,

And so are you.


Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

Cashews are fruit nuts,

And so are you.

A web link can be formatted by first providing the display text wrapped in square brackets ([]), followed by the URL wrapped in regular brackets (()).


Keyboard Jobs is a [job board for software developers]( You should go and check it out!


Keyboard Jobs is a job board for software developers. You should go and check it out!

Images are formatted in a very similar way. The syntax is as following:

![Alternative text here](URL to the image goes here).


![Keyboard Jobs Logo](


Keyboard Jobs Logo


One can create unordered lists using the dash sign (-):

- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

... or alternatively using stars works as well:

* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

Both options will render an unordered list:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Ordered lists are just as straightforward to create:

1. First
2. Second
3. Third


  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

Learn more about Markdown

For more information you can visit the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec.