Keyboard Jobs

Jobs for software developers, geeks and cyborgs

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Employment details:

Employment type:
Contract Rate:
Remote work:

Company details:

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Please specify the location of the job on offer or the location of the company's HQ if this is a fully remote position.

Additional information:

These are additional criteria which candidates have expressed are important to them when looking for a job.

Company size:
Employee laptops:
Source control:
Production environment:
Team chat:

Self taught developers:

Many top talented software developers never studied computer science at a university and are reluctant to apply unless they feel welcome. If you consider interviewing applicants without a formal degree then you can increase your chances of being found by the best talent by explicitly stating your job opening as "self taught" friendly.

Entry level and graduates:

Some job openings are particularly suitable for entry level developers (less than 1-2 years of work experience) or graduates who look for their first job. Make your job posting stand out by explicitly marking it as entry-level friendly!

Application details:

Please specify an email address or website URL where candidates are expected to send their applications to.

Company logo

Make your job ad stand out and increase your brand awareness by uploading a company logo.

You can select a JPEG or PNG image up to a size of 300KB as your company logo.

Extend the duration of your job ad

List your job ad for an additional 60 days (on top of the standard 60 days) at a discounted rate!

Stand out amongst your competitors

Promoted job ads appear in a designated priority area above all other job listings for a total of 30 days. Afterwards they will benefit from being a featured job ad for the remaining time.

Featured job ads get specifically highlighted in all job listings and other views to increase visibility for the entirety of their time.

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Standard job ad
  • 60 days
  • Appears in all job listings
  • Appears in newsletter
Display company logo
Extra 60 Days
  • Total duration 120 days
Feature job ad
  • Job ad highlighted for entire time
Promote job ad
  • Promoted for 30 days
  • Featured for remaining time
VAT 20%